C5 Impact Summit

Partnership for a Resilient Digital Future

a virtual event hosted by C5 Capital

About the Event:

Resilience in the face of accelerating digital transformation is more critical than ever. How should investors, entrepreneurs, non-profits, and government come together to secure our digital future?

At C5’s second inaugural Impact Summit, we were delighted to bring a talented and diverse group of global leaders to the table – all driving impact at the convergence of technology innovation, impact investing, and public governance on digital transformation.

Presentation Highlights:

Opening Address

Guy Monson, CIO of Sarasin & Partners discussed the impact of Covid-19 on the US and UK economies. He shared cross-country data to illustrate global macroeconomic growth trajectories and compare the efficacy of government policy responses. Participants gained insights on how the pandemic has impacted different asset classes, and the expected shape of economic recovery.

Keynote Address

Tony Davis, CEO & CIO of Inherent Group shared his perspective on how companies should incorporate ESG into their business models and more fully align with the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (UNSDG). Corporates should articulate what role they want to play in society and invest in greater financial inclusion, access to basic infrastructure, diversity, and education to achieve the UNSDGs.

Fireside Chat

Dorri McWhorter, CEO of YWCA Metropolitan Chicago spoke about the digital divides complicating equal access to e-learning in light of Covid-19. Mark Farrell, Managing Director at Thayer Ventures and former Mayor of the City and County of San Francisco advocated for government and the private sector to work together to bridge this divide and improve educational outcomes. The panelists discussed how their cities have responded to the pandemic with initiatives to reduce structural barriers to online learning.

Panel I

This panel explored emerging technologies for urban resilience and pandemic response. Michael Martin, CEO of RapidSoS shared how his company utilises connected devices to provide faster, more effective emergency service response. Dr. Ellison Anne Williams, CEO of Enveil discussed her company’s pioneering homomorphic encryption technology and its application to secure Data in Use. David Mitchell, Managing Director of the Rockefeller Foundation added insights on how health data can be leveraged to strengthen community health outcomes, and gather actionable insights. Panelists came together on the need for data-driven approaches and privacy enhancing technologies to improve public health.

Panel II

This panel focused on the importance of public-private partnerships to drive innovative methods of governance and smart city solutions. Panelists discussed new models of public-private partnerships that bring mutually beneficial outcomes to cities and corporates. This included enabling sandboxes for innovation on public infrastructure, and the importance of targeting a higher quality of life in the build of technology partnerships. Paddy McGuinness, Operating Partner at C5 Capital, predicted that the Covid-19 pandemic will have lasting effects on our cities as biosecurity infrastructure is built into healthcare and transportation systems, to strengthen our resilience against future pandemics.

Featured Speakers:

  • Guy Monson, CIO, Sarasin & Partners -Tony Davis, CEO & CIO, Inherent Group
  • Dorri McWhorter, CEO, YWCA Metropolitan Chicago
  • Mark Farrell, Managing Director, Thayer Ventures and 44th Mayor of the City and County of San Francisco
  • Paul Denning, CEO and Founder, Denning & Company; Former Trustee and Commissioner of the City and County of San Francisco Retirement Board
  • Dr. Ellison Anne Williams, Founder & CEO, Enveil
  • Michael Martin, Co-Founder & CEO, RapidSOS
  • David Mitchell, Managing Director, Rockefeller Foundation
  • Dominic Weiss, Head of the Vienna Smart City Agency
  • Paddy McGuinness, Former UK Dep. Ntl. Security Adviser for Intelligence, Security & Resilience
  • Prof. Robert Pape, Univ. of Chicago; Director, Chicago Project on Security and Threats
  • Evan Regan-Levine, Executive Vice President, JBG Smith

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