Blue Cedar Secures Small Business Innovation Research Phase II Contract From the Air Force

News provided by Blue Cedar –

Blue Cedar has secured a Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) Phase II contract worth $1.5m from the US Air Force (USAF), to facilitate security and efficiency improvements in the process by which the USAF deploys apps for mobile devices that manifest sensitive data, supporting its mission as the world’s preeminent force in air, space and cyberspace.

Awarded as part of the USAF’s AFWERX program, this contract will fund key features and capabilities in Blue Cedar’s cloud platform, which streamlines post-development activities required to deploy mobile apps. By delivering enhancements like integration with BESPIN mobile CICD, Blue Cedar is enabling the war fighter to obtain the mobile apps they need when they need them, with minimal development or operational delays. This award continues to build on the positive results from the USAF’s partnership with Blue Cedar, established via a SBIR Phase I feasibility study, which was completed in November 2019.

The USAF is aggressively adopting modern software development techniques in order to modernize all elements of its operations. In addition, demand for mobile apps that provide the war fighter with convenient access to high-value data and business processes is also increasing. Numerous DevOps teams, using different tools, systems and people, must collaborate to perform the necessary tasks that are prerequisites for deploying sensitive, high-value mobile apps. Each mobile app must meet the USAF’s rigorous security, compliance and operational requirements. The USAF is partnering with Blue Cedar to provide a platform for the consistent definition and the repeatable execution of such deployment processes for all mobile apps.

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